Tuesday 25 June 2013

Out Now!

What happens when the world is no longer what it once was? Zombies now walk the earth and with it comes more dangers than just the risk of a bite from one of these undead creatures. After an attack at a camp that Taylor believed to be safe from the walking dead she is left alone with Eric until he goes missing. It isn't long before it's apparent to her that being a girl alone is a bad thing for a lot of reasons even after teaching herself to fight. A big mistake gets her into a bad predicament and to her surprise she is saved by someone she hates.
Being in an apocalypse doesn't seem to be making anything easy though. Someone she thinks is a friend turns out to be her worst opponent. Arguments with her childhood enemy no longer end with hate, but turn into passion. She thought she knew everything about him, but he tells her a secret that he is forbidden to reveal and her life almost comes to an end more times than she cares to count.

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